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  • description: reconstruction of a public space in the front of Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava
    year: 2017
    status: competition

    From a broader perspective, the area is a borderline between the densely urbanized inner city and the less urbanized park, dominated by the House of Arts built in 1926 in the purist style. From a closer perspective, Umělecká street is the focal point connecting Nádražní avenue with the surroundings of the House of Arts. Umělecká street, once a classic transit street, is proposed to be a square.

    The proposal seeks how to strengthen the role of the public space (square) by equipping it with solid furnishings and greenery. It is united with other two characteristic spaces - a tram stop, and a gallery front yard.

    The surface in the middle is paved with a red granite cubes.
  • en
  • cz